Medical Weight Loss
Medical Weight Loss
Semaglutide (Ozempic™/Wegovy™) is an antidiabetic medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and long-term weight management. Semaglutide acts like human glucagon-like peptide-1 in that it increases insulin secretion, thereby increasing sugar metabolism. Semaglutide has recently gained approval for weight loss. For more information about Semaglutide please visit this website!
Our program includes supplemental recommendations for sustained weight loss and better treatment outcomes. Dr. Brendan and his team has found that most patients fail with sustained weight loss and even medical weight loss due to not treating the underlying reason; INSULIN RESISTANCE!
Our supplement protocol will be shared with you to help support your weight loss and will be updated once you have reached your weight loss goal for sustained weight maintenance. We will also include dietary and exercise recommendations to add to weight loss efforts.